Tanya and Jakub: Greek-Polish Fusion Wedding
We had an awesome time with Tanya and Jakub last week at their wedding. They got married at the St. Demetrios Greek Orthodox Church. It was a fusion of cultures from the Greek and Polish sides. This was pretty awesome for me, as I am Polish (born) and I also lived in Greece (near Athens) for about 3 years from ages 6 to 9. It was really cool to see it all come together.
Following the nuptials, we proceeded to the stunning Knox College at the U of T campus for some portraits of the bride and groom. Afterwards, the party started at Liberty Grand into the night.
Here are some sneak peeks!

Panie Rafale, pi?kne zdj?cia i bardzo profesjonalne wszystko, co Pan zrobi?. Od pocz?tku do ko?ca, czuli?my si? komfortowo, ??cznie z Maksem.
Dzi?kujemy serdecznie!!!!
Wdzi?czni Rodzice Pana M?odego:).
Raph Nogal Photography
Bardzo dzi?kuj?. Z przyjemno?ci? sfotografowa?em Wasz? rodzin? oraz Pary M?odej.